My Interview
Last month, I attended an online skill share hosted by Sandra VanSickle, a wonderfully kind and generous upholsterer/soft furnishings expert that I follow. She and a few co-hosts shared their unique talents. Textile artist Jill Seale showed how she creates her marbled fabrics and wall coverings, and Jana Phipps (aka Trim Queen) introduced the viewers to the world of what I call “extreme trimming”. It was fascinating!
Right away, I knew that I wanted to start using trims on my bags and wallets. I ordered a Trim Queen embellishment box and was blown away! I was working on my Clary & Clarita wallet patterns, and incorporated the trims into a few of my makes.
Jana saw what I was making on Instagram, and got in touch. I was stunned when she invited me to be her guest on her Instagram livefeed, TQ Creative Circle. Every week, she casually chats with creatives from all kinds of artistic areas. All past videos are available for watching, and I highly recommend them!
I’m especially partial to last week’s interview, featuring yours truly. It was so much fun!! We talked about my creative evolution from roman shades to bags to designing patterns, fixing up old sewing machines, and dipping my toe into fabric design.
Check out Jana’s awesome embellishments at trimqueen.com. She also offers an Instagram Agility workshop that sounds great!